Dr Gavin Tilstone is a Senior Scientific Officer at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and has >15 years of experience studying marine phytoplankton and specialises in bio-optical oceanography and remote sensing. Gavin originally trained as a botanist working on physiological, genetics and ecological aspects of plant biology, before specialising in marine phytoplankton. In the last ten years he has been developing marine research that directly interfaces optical oceanography and remote sensing to address key environmental issues.

Gavin’s wide-ranging research interests include: Bio-optical modelling, phytoplankton optical properties, phytoplankton photo-physiological properties, particulate and dissolved optical properties, quality assured in-situ measurements, phytoplankton production models and validation of satellite products. Gavin has written over 50 peer reviewed research papers. During the STEMM-CCS project Gavin will quantify primary production at the CCS sites.