Researchers from the STEMM-CCS and CarbFix projects are convening a session on geological CO2 storage and monitoring at Goldschmidt 2019 in Barcelona. Keynote speakers include Donald J. Depaolo from the University of California, Berkeley.
Abstracts are invited for the session ‘Geological CO2 Storage and Monitoring: (Bio)geochemical and Technological Insights from Laboratory Tests, Modelling and Field Sites’ which is part of the ‘Minerals and Energy for High Tech Societies’ theme. See below for the session abstract.
Abstract submission deadline is 29th March – see for details.
“Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is currently one of the proposed key mitigation strategies to reach the goal of stabilizing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere to < 450 ppm and avoid serious impacts to the environment and health. Despite its proven success, there is still a large untapped potential to increase such measures at a global scale. To further advance confidence in large-scale CO2 storage, a better understanding of (bio)geochemical and physical processes associated with the storage complex and its overburden are urgently needed. This includes CO2-fluid-rock interactions and mineralization rates, assessment of reservoir permeabilities, and identification of possible migration pathways in the overburden in various geological settings. Another important aspect is to establish reliable monitoring approaches and strategies for CO2 storage complexes, in particular for offshore scenarios, including the identification of natural and anthropogenic tracers for fluid source identification, the quantification of CO2 fluxes and the monitoring of relevant (bio)geochemical species and tracers in reservoir and water column. This session will explore advances and techniques around safe carbon capture and storage, monitoring approaches and impacts of potential leakage such as acidification of the marine and terrestrial environment. We invite contributions focusing on laboratory and in situ experimental work, analogue tests and field observations, reaction path and transport simulations, covering geochemical and biological approaches, latest in-situ monitoring technologies, environmental impact studies and model-based studies around marine and terrestrial geological CO2 storage and leakage mitigation.”
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