Jerry Blackford is a band 4 merit scientist with a 25 year career specialising in marine system modelling. In recent years he has been particularly concerned with the interaction of CO2 with marine systems, in the context of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification as well as leading environmental risk assessment and monitoring research for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

He has been actively researching CCS since 2004, in a wide range of projects, including as a work package leader in the EU funded RISCS ( and ECO2 ( programmes and as Principle Investigator in the UK funded QICS project which developed a world-first release of CO2 into shallow marine sediments ( He is the International Engagement work package and institute lead for the STEMM-CCS project. He is also a founding co-investigator on the UK CCS Research Centre ( leading the environment research theme. He has links with several international researchers in the field of CCS, including Japan, Australia and the US, as well as within Europe.