Tim Dixon is the Technical Programme Manager for IEAGHG. He has been at IEAGHG since 2008, and is responsible for ensuring that IEAGHG activities provide the technical evidence-base to support CCS development and deployment, including the IEAGHG technical studies, Research Networks, GHGT Conferences, and Summer Schools, and for inputting to regulatory and policy developments. Previously Tim worked in CCS, emissions trading, clean coal technologies and related areas for the UK Government‘s Department of Trade and Industry and for AEA Technology. He was a negotiator for CCS in the CDM at UNFCCC COP-17, for the London Convention and OSPAR CCS amendments, and for CCS in the EU ETS. Tim has a BSc in Applied Physics and an MBA, and is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas in Austin, and an Honorary Lecturer at the School of Geosciences at University of Edinburgh.