I am a climate change and benthic ecologist, working on the effects of natural and climate change driven variability on benthic species and benthic-pelagic ecosystem processes. I have and continue to work on number of projects concerned with risk assessment of  CCS activities in the marine environment. I am an expert in bioturbation and was a member of the ICES Study Group on Climate Related Benthic Processes in the North Sea. I am a Co-Investigator in the NERC-DEFRA Marine Ecosystems Research Program where I am investigating trophic and non-trophic pathways for benthic-pelagic carbon cycling in temperate coastal sediments, using stable isotopes among other techniques. I am also a Co-Investigator in the Antarctic Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment Program, where I am investigating the effects of ocean acidification on Antarctic bioturbation. My current position involves ship and mesocosm based research, statistical analysis of large datasets, and the application and development of ecosystem models.
