STEMM-CCS Online Monitoring and Decision Tool

The STEMM-CCS monitoring and decision tool can be accessed here


STEMM-CCS Project Description Video

STEMM-CCS Main Experiment Cruise Highlights Video

See more videos on the STEMM-CCS YouTube channel

STEMM-CCS Research Highlights publication


STEMM-CCS Brochure

STEMM-CCS Newsletters

Spring 2017
Autumn 2017
Spring 2018
Autumn 2018
Summer 2019


STEMM-CCS Science Briefs

What is carbon dioxide capture and storage?
CCS reservoirs and CO2 pathways
Establishing baselines for CO2 storage
Detecting, tracing and quantifying CO2 pathways
Potential impacts of CO2 leakage in the ocean
Chemical tracers for sub-seabed CCS leak detection

Presentations from STEMM-CCS Open Science Meeting and 4th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage